Google Tasks Review - Google's Second Attempt at To-Do List
Google Tasks logo Anda berbicara bahasa Indonesia? Baca artikel terjemahannya di sini ! Believe it or not, to-do lists have played quite an important part in my life. They (obviously) help me keep track of my tasks, my shopping lists, and even my blogging process. I do admire Apple's Reminder app, as it is simple, user friendly, and just works. It effortlessly and automatically syncs across your devices (mac, iPhone, iPad), so the principle of 'write once, see everywhere' is gracefully and elegantly applied here. I wish I could've said the same about Google, though. For some reason, I cannot bear using iOS as my primary mobile OS, so I cannot maximize that Reminder app's full potential. Unfortunately, Google didn't have the same app that works as good as Apple's Reminder. They do have Keep, but you can't possibly call keep a full to-do list app, no? For me, Google Keep is more like a versatile, all-in-one notes app, which is not what I'm look...